Dexter Assaf

Welcome to here! It's somewhere!

I like things short, neat, and humorous. Here is everything you need to know...

Contact Me

Below here are some of my portfolio pieces and a couple links to various profile websites. I am open to work and answering all questions, but if you want to know specifics, it's best to just ask! I managed to carry my cafe through a pandemic and have managed to complete a full RESTful API in a week. I think this summarizes my work ethic concisely.

Github Profile
Checkout all my projects at the source!

Come to my personal LinkedIn page!

Just one more profile page!

Cards for Humans

My final project, a RESTful Api utilizing Python, React, and no frameworks.

Check Out the Site!

Check Out the Repo!


An Airbnb clone that was an attempt at a pixel perfect clone done in little over a week.

Check Out the Site!

Check Out the Repo!


A group endevour where I realized that sometimes the hardest parts of coding have nothing to do with code.

Check Out the Site!

Check Out the Repo!

Pocket Darts
An unfinished game that a friend and I created and I decided to make a scorekeeping aid.
